Walter Andersons
Walter Andersons
Permuted Tricolor series (launched 2017)
portables, rendered miniature (the 10 x 8s)
2021 2022 recasts
Tricolor series (launched 2012)
Mural (begun 2008) 2008-2012
chromes. single color grounds
more casual. sexier, even. - exhibition [2003]
Binary Chromes - exhibition [2002]
Fool of the Eye - exhibition [2001]
full LTR: 48" formats - Exhibition [2000]
side show - Ten in One Gallery - small room [1999]
quiet - group installation/exhibition [1997]
Moreover the Same - exhibition [1997]
word documents - series
additional word documents - the German texts for Art Frankfurt
photocopies. white grounds. brown borders
sans text
New Paintings and Drawings - exhibition [1995]
The Uncomfortable Show II - Tough Gallery, Chicago. [1995]
Art Chicago - Ten in One Gallery booth [1994]
Official Pictures - group exhibition [1993] Ten in One Gallery
from two-person exhibition. Andersons/Burleigh [1993]
Profiles 1. Randolph Street Gallery. - group exhibition [1991]
crude thinking - exhibition [1991]
Woman and Monkey. -extended subject
small Mike Kelley - extended series
Dear act of painting - extended subject
Little Spanish Prison. - extended subject (after Robert Motherwell)
gray grounds. shadows
non-series examples
notes and clippings. black grounds
early examples. precursors
...studios and spaces informally
[available for sale. contact the studio..][inventory will be refreshed periodically]
portables. rendered miniature
New York Magazine 2019 Brooklyn Museum Anne Pasternak Office
Kip Deeds Blog Spot 2005. "It looks easy' painting illustrated
building codes. Le Corbusier. illustrated. Walter Andersons painting from triptych. Artnet 2004
New York Times. Art Review; As Chelsea Expands, a Host of Visions Rush In. Roberta Smith. June 1, 2001
Thrill of it All. Art Guide. New York Times. July 2000
publication: Out Of Line: Drawings by Illinois Artists: April 29 - August 20, 2000 Chicago Cultural Center. group exhibition
Feature: Original Spin. Fred Camper. Chicago Reader. March 9, 2000
quiet. 199 group installation in former bar. Walter Andersons. organized by Michele Feder-Nadoff. 1999
James Yood on Walter Andersons - Artforum International. Review. Ten in One Gallery. November 1997
resources, exhibition history, biography. Uncomfortable Spaces. Walter Andersons; Ten in One Gallery1997 archived page.
Schwartz's Folly. Beret International and Uncomfortable Spaces. Chicago Reader. July 25, 1996
Review: Master of the Obvious. Walter Andersons at Ten in One Gallery. Fred Camper. Chicago Reader. May 4 1995
Art in Chicago: Walter Andersons ephemera: Public Collections - archive of Anthony Elms