Walter Andersons
Walter Andersons
Permuted Tricolor series (launched 2017)
portables, rendered miniature (the 10 x 8s)
2021 2022 recasts
Tricolor series (launched 2012)
Mural (begun 2008) 2008-2012
chromes. single color grounds
more casual. sexier, even. - exhibition [2003]
Binary Chromes - exhibition [2002]
Fool of the Eye - exhibition [2001]
full LTR: 48" formats - Exhibition [2000]
side show - Ten in One Gallery - small room [1999]
quiet - group installation/exhibition [1997]
Moreover the Same - exhibition [1997]
word documents - series
additional word documents - the German texts for Art Frankfurt
photocopies. white grounds. brown borders
sans text
New Paintings and Drawings - exhibition [1995]
The Uncomfortable Show II - Tough Gallery, Chicago. [1995]
Art Chicago - Ten in One Gallery booth [1994]
Official Pictures - group exhibition [1993] Ten in One Gallery
from two-person exhibition. Andersons/Burleigh [1993]
Profiles 1. Randolph Street Gallery. - group exhibition [1991]
crude thinking - exhibition [1991]
Woman and Monkey. -extended subject
small Mike Kelley - extended series
Dear act of painting - extended subject
Little Spanish Prison. - extended subject (after Robert Motherwell)
gray grounds. shadows
non-series examples
notes and clippings. black grounds
early examples. precursors
...studios and spaces informally
[available for sale. contact the studio..][inventory will be refreshed periodically]
portables. rendered miniature
detail; '45 list